Home Forum Plugins WP Attachments Feature request: sort attachments alphabetically

  • Questo topic ha 2 risposte, 2 partecipanti ed è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta 11 anni, 1 mese fa da kesseret.
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  • #264
    Amministratore del forum

    I like your plugin the best. Low overhead, very nice. But I do need sorting alphabetically if it’s at all possible. Great plugin, Love it. Also posted this on wordpress.org forum before seeing this support forum, if you answer here I will mark that thread resolved.


    Marco Milesi
    Amministratore del forum

    Hi Kesseret, and thank you for Your Feedback.

    I prefer to reply here because the “official” WordPress Forum is not confortable for me, neither i like its “Policy” and moderators behavior (since i had some replies deleted cause they wanted to be the first and offer their professional services).

    As regards your request, i am planning to expand this plugin (more back-end flexibility and more options, as yours) as soon as i will have more time. Meanwhile you can hack this plugin by editing wp-attachments.php and change line 59 to whatever you want.
    Now it’s set to ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’. This means that all files would be shown in the order chosen in the media edit screen (you can drag ‘n drop files there to change the order).
    You can change this line to:
    'orderby' => 'date' and maybe add another line: 'order' => 'DESC'
    You can find more at http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/query_posts#Orderby_Parameters


    Amministratore del forum

    I understand, regarding the WP forum.  I am so appreciative of you replying and thank you for the hack. I know what it is like to be busy and this easy modification will satisfy me.

    Thank you, again. Happy coding!

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